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Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Dim sat As Integer
For sat = 3 To Cells(65536, "b").End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(sat, "b") = ListBox1.Column(0) Then
Cells(sat, "b").Select
TextBox1 = ActiveCell
TextBox2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)
TextBox3 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)
TextBox4 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3)
End If: Next
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox5_Change()
Dim sat, deg1, deg2, s As Integer
For sat = 3 To Cells(65536, "b").End(xlUp).Row
deg1 = UCase(Replace(Replace(Cells(sat, "b"), "ı", "I"), "i", "İ"))
deg2 = UCase(Replace(Replace(TextBox5, "ı", "I"), "i", "İ"))
If deg1 Like "*" & deg2 & "*" Then
ListBox1.List(s, 0) = Cells(sat, "b")
s = s + 1
End If: Next
End Sub