Altın Üye
- Katılım
- 13 Ağustos 2008
- Mesajlar
- 346
- Excel Vers. ve Dili
- Office 365 ProPlus-Türkçe
- Altın Üyelik Bitiş Tarihi
- 03-10-2026
Korhan Hocam MerhabaDeneyiniz.
Bahsettiğiniz çoklu arama işlemindeki süreyide bildirirseniz sevinirim.
C++:Option Explicit Sub Find_Text_in_Selected_Folder() Dim S1 As Worksheet, Process_Time As Double Dim My_Folder As Variant, Source_Folder As String Dim Find_Text As String, Last_Row As Long Dim Search_Data As Variant, X As Long Dim My_Connection As Object, My_Recordset As Object Dim My_Query As String, Y As Byte Set S1 = Sheets("Sayfa1") If WorksheetFunction.CountA(S1.Range("A:A")) = 0 Then MsgBox "İşleme devam edebilmek için A sütununa aramak istediğiniz kelimeleri yazmalısınız!", vbCritical Set S1 = Nothing Exit Sub End If Set My_Folder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Kaynak dosyaları içeren klasörü seçiniz...", 50, &H0) If My_Folder Is Nothing Then MsgBox "İşleme devam edebilmek için klasör seçimi yapmalısınız!" & Chr(10) & _ "İşleminiz iptal edilmiştir.", vbCritical Exit Sub ElseIf My_Folder = "Masaüstü" Or My_Folder = "Desktop" Then Source_Folder = Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\" ElseIf Not My_Folder Is Nothing Then Source_Folder = My_Folder.Items.Item.Path End If Process_Time = Timer Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set My_Connection = CreateObject("AdoDb.Connection") Set My_Recordset = CreateObject("AdoDb.Recordset") My_Connection.Open "Provider=Search.CollatorDSO;" & _ "Extended Properties='Application=Windows';" S1.Range("D:F").Clear Last_Row = 1 Search_Data = S1.Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.Max(2, S1.Cells(S1.Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row)).Value For X = LBound(Search_Data) To UBound(Search_Data) If Search_Data(X, 1) <> "" Then Find_Text = Search_Data(X, 1) My_Recordset.Open "Select System.ItemName, System.ItemFolderPathDisplay " & _ " From SystemIndex" & _ " Where Scope = 'File:" & Source_Folder & "' " & _ " And Contains('" & Replace(Find_Text, " ", "?") & "')", My_Connection If Not My_Recordset.EOF Then My_Recordset.MoveFirst Do Until My_Recordset.EOF With My_Recordset.Fields S1.Cells(Last_Row, "D") = .Item("System.ItemFolderPathDisplay") S1.Cells(Last_Row, "E") = .Item("System.ItemName") S1.Cells(Last_Row, "F") = Find_Text S1.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=S1.Cells(Last_Row, "E"), _ Address:=S1.Cells(Last_Row, "D").Value & _ Application.PathSeparator & S1.Cells(Last_Row, "E").Value, _ TextToDisplay:=S1.Cells(Last_Row, "E").Value Last_Row = Last_Row + 1 End With My_Recordset.MoveNext Loop End If My_Recordset.Close End If Next Columns("D:F").AutoFit My_Connection.Close Set S1 = Nothing Set My_Folder = Nothing Set My_Recordset = Nothing Set My_Connection = Nothing Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox "İşleminiz tamamlanmıştır." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "İşlem süresi ; " & Format(Timer - Process_Time, "0.00") & " Saniye", vbInformation End Sub
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